Easily suede

As the weather gets crisper, we begin to see certain types of fabrics more and more; one of the most popular in fall and winter is suede. I’ve been raised to see suede as a cool-weather fabric, especially because of its soft nature. Ironically, given its gentle disposition, it’s a lot harder to keep clean in these seasons, but alas, it’s just not as much of a summer fabric. Instead, we see suede break out in the fall in a wide variety of colors; we also see it incorporated in it wide variety of clothing pieces. I am seriously in love with all of the suede shift dresses I have seen this season, it’s a trend that I am obsessed with. Suede shoes is another super common accessory, whether it’s boots, flats, or heels (I don’t discriminate with my suede). Although seen a little less frequently, suede tops are also totally a thing, and obviously suede skirts have been very on trend during the past year. Even if it seems a little 70’s, suede is a go-to for cool weather, so it’s time to break it out.


This outfit in particular gives me some seriously 70’s vibes, but I totally dig it. In my head I was a little worried about it being too busy, as there is a lot going on with the stripes, and laces, and buttons, but I think that it turned out to be super cute! I love how the cognac color of the skirt matches perfectly with the flats, and I also really enjoy the theme of the criss-cross laces that can be seen in the top and flats. This outfit is perfect for fall, as the colors and fabrics are both on point. As I mentioned before, suede is the perfect fall fabric, especially in a cognac/tan color like this. The burgundy and royal blue stripes of the shirt are also very in colors this fall, and the design of the top compliments the similar nature of the skirt and shoes. Also finishing off the outfit with a brown lip gave it just the right amount of darkness to really say “autumn”.


I found this top at Nordstrom during their Anniversary Sale over the summer. I had always wanted a lace up top, but had never been super crazy about the ones that I had seen until I found this one. It’s designed by the brand WAYF, and in addition to being super cute, it was also a super good deal. One thing that I love is the sleeves; they have a slight openness to them at the bottom, so they kind of swing as you move your arms, which is always fun. I also think it’s great that this top is versatile. While I paired a cream bralette underneath it for this outfit, it could easily be worn so that the lace-up part is completely open, however bra modifications would be needed as the cut goes to the bottom of the ribs and the fabric is too thin not to wear a bra. But because it can be styled in both conservative and sexy ways, it’s the perfect top to wear both night and day.



This skirt is one of the items I am most excited to wear this season. I ordered it last spring off of Tobi, and I have to brag a little bit about the deal that I got; it was originally $128, but I got it for $64. Although you can find similar skirts for cheaper, it’s a genuine suede skirt, so a price range below $100 was something that I could really get behind. I really like the front pockets that are a major design feature of the skirt, and you can never go wrong with a button front skirt, especially when the buttons are gold because it makes it so easy to accessorize. Because it is genuine suede, it is super soft; it also feels pretty warm for a skirt, so this makes it the perfect item to wear even when the temperature drops.


These flats were another Nordstrom Anniversary Sale find, and I am in love. They are made by Halogen, and I actually bought another pair of Halogen flats at the same sale two years ago. While the style of flats change every year, both pairs that I own have the pointy toe, which I think is a really unique characteristic. Lace up flats and heels are super in this season, so if you haven’t invested in a pair yet, I would highly suggest looking in to one. Although they take a little bit of time to put on, they are super cute, and really pull together any outfit, even if you’re just wearing jeans. Halogen makes this style in many different colors, including Burgundy, which was the color I almost got before deciding on the cognac. No matter the color though, they really are the perfect versatile fall shoe.

Something that is super on trend this fall is mixing patterns and design elements of different pieces; pairing things together that have different small details, like I did with this outfit, is a great way to get your foot in the door if you are a little apprehensive to being a complete outfit mixologist. Now that it’s fall, it’s also time to break out those fall colors and fabrics, especially the leathers and suedes. You can never go wrong with blacks and tans in these materials, but it can be fun to experiment with more bold colors as well. Since fall is coming, we might as well embrace it by showing off our cutest autumn hues and styles before we have to wear coats everywhere (at least if you’re in the Midwest like me). So go on and welcome fall with open arms, I guarantee you’ll look cute doing it!


XOXO, Chloe

Stylish and Starving at Twenty Something

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