It’s all Greek (life) to me

I am well aware of the fact that many people have differing views on the value of membership in Sorority and Fraternity organizations in college. As a sorority woman, I fully respect everyone’s choice to participate or not participate in Greek life. I have plenty of friends who are not a part of sororities or fraternities but are very supportive of my choice to be involved in one. I also have met people who have judged me on my involvement in Greek life based on their preconceived notions of what it is. Speaking from experience, joining my sorority as a freshman was one of the most life-changing decisions that I have ever made; because of this, I have found a home away from home, I have formed lifelong friendships, and I have gained invaluable leadership experience (amongst many other things).

Going in to college, I knew three people who would be attending the same school as me, and one of them actually ended up being one of my sorority sisters. I decided to go to a school that was 4 1/2 hours from home, and while I very much wanted to go to school in a different state, leaving home still wasn’t easy. I knew that by joining a sorority, I would be able to find a place that would truly feel like home and meet people that would truly feel like family. I can easily tell you that Alpha Chi Omega has become my home away from home in a way that beyond exceeded my expectations. Not only has it provided me with a physical structure that truly feels like a second home to me, but it has provided me with friendships that feel just as close as family.

Another major reason that I wanted to go through recruitment upon entering college was to meet new people in an unfamiliar place. Essentially, I went from being an only child one day to having 150 sisters the next. I’m not going to lie; I am not best friends with every single one of my sisters. There is almost no way that 150 people are going to get along well enough to be best friends, and if someone tries to tell you otherwise they are most likely stretching the truth. However, I will say that I feel love and support from each and every one of my sisters, regardless of how close of friends we may be. Sisterhood is a special bond that is unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced; knowing that you share the same values as women who may have different interests or experiences is something that you can’t replace or replicate.

There have been many things that I have grown to appreciate throughout my time in Greek life. One of the biggest things is the leadership opportunities that it has provided me with. I have served as the Assistant Vice President of Philanthropy, and I am currently serving as the Vice President of Chapter Relations and Standards for my chapter. These leadership roles have allowed me to have a larger presence in my chapter, in my national organization, and on my college campus. Getting further involved in my chapter has given me the chance to give back to something that has provided me with so much, and that is truly one of the best feelings. Getting more involved has also let me get to know Alpha Chi Omega on a more national level by attending our National Convention, which was one of the most life changing experiences. Taking on leadership roles in my sorority has taught me how rewarding giving back can be, and it has also greatly prepared me for the future.

Going through recruitment as a freshman in college was single handedly one of the best decisions that I have made. If you are going to be a freshman in college, or are even a sophomore who is ever so slightly interested in joining Greek life, I would definitely recommend that you do. Greek life may not be for everyone, but by at least giving it a chance, you are being open to the possibility that it just might change your life. If you are someone who knows Greek life isn’t for them, I ask that you not judge others simply on their decision to be a part of an organization; instead, respect their decision just as they respect your decision not to be involved in Greek life. In college, we all make choices that shape our lives and effect who we will be for the rest of our days. Being in Greek life has been something that has greatly impacted my life, and I am confident that it can impact yours as well.

XOXO, Chloe

Stylish and Starving at Twenty Something

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